NEWS > General
Posted by ETAS on 20/08/2024.

2024 AGM Notice and Board Nomination

Please see below the 2024 ETAS AGM notice and call for Board Director nominations. All current Financial Equestrian Tasmania members (18 years and over) are eligible to nominate or be nominated for a board position.

Notice of ETAS Annual General Meeting

Date: 15 October 2024
Location: Zoom
Time: 6.00 – 6.30pm
RSVPs: Not essential but requested by 10th October 2024. Please RSVP here to receive a meeting link.

The business of the Annual General Meeting will be:

  • Annual Report of Equestrian Tasmania
  • To vote on the adoption of the annual report and Statement of Accounts for the 23/24
  • Appointment of branch Auditor for the financial year
  • Announcement of the vote result for appointment of Board Directors 2024/25
  • Announcement of the vote result for the appointment of Coaching Committee 2024/25
  • Business the subject of a notice of motion lodged under the constitution
  • Any special resolution lodged under the constitution

Notice for Nominations for ETAS Board Positions (term 3 years)
Please click here for details on the current ETAS board

Current Elected Directors are able renominate if they have not yet served the maximum number of consecutive terms (2) per clause 35.

Due to Board positions being on a rotational basis, in accordance with rule 35.5 the following members will be required to stand down:

  • Helmut Rechberger will retire as an Ordinary Director and is eligible for re-election
    We thank Helmut for his service to date.
    Helmut Rechberger has indicated he will renominate for the position.

We are now calling for nominations for the following in accordance with the ETAS Constitution:

  • Ordinary Director (1 position)

In accordance with rule 17.1 nominations are open to any individual member.

In line with requirements of Active Tasmania State Grants program, and to enhance gender diversity, ETAS is committed to achieving a gender diverse board with no less than 40 per cent representation from any one gender.

Therefore, ETAS specifically encourage nominations from male members to allow us to achieve this diversity.  Without meeting this requirement, we are unable to apply for funding which supports the development of the sport across all areas.

In accordance with rule 32.4 nominations must be received no later than 5 pm 29 August on the attached nomination form by post to PO Box 85, Dodges Ferry, TAS 7173 or email to [email protected]

Per 33 Core Duties of the board include:

  1. Govern equestrian sport in Tasmania in accordance with the Branch objects and powers
  2. Determine major strategic directions
  3. Apply policies determined by the Branch Members at General Meetings
  4. review the Branch's performance in achieving its pre-determined aims, objectives and policies; and
  5. Convene a tribunal if required to do so in accordance with the Disciplinary By-Laws of EA (as referred to in the EA Constitution.)
  6. Manage state responsibilities
  7. Appoint and disband Sub committees.

If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies (1) to be filled, election shall be by secret ballot by members (Rule 32.6.)

Any queries please contact [email protected]

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